Conceptual Personae

Larval Subjects .

image002Every philosophy is populated by a conceptual persona that functions as its transcendental unity of apperception or the principle by which it is struck by questions and problems and through which it forges and links concepts and grasps phenomena.  That persona might be the scientist, the priest, the artist, the doctor, the analyst, the revolutionary, the dancer, the judge, the vulnerable person, or any number of others.  New ones are always being invented.  Questions and problems flash into being in response to the subject or persona.  Concepts are created and linked in new ways.  Phenomena become visible or invisible.  The subject of a philosophy is not the philosopher, but rather the conceptual persona.  Indeed, the philosopher is often horrified by the conceptual persona that inhabits the philosophy she gropes towards and the becoming into which it draws her despite herself.

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Goby’s Journal: 9/28/15 (2)


Using journal entries as poems… or working them over as poems… integrating the quotidian and banal with … with what? With what happens listening to what the words evoke.
Have posted a few recently. Consistent with my moving away in 2010 from individual, stand alone poems, to adding one to another to make a cumulative series. This could become a 4th book. The first three have proved to be a hard sell. Even when sections of them get published… as individual poems. Never give up.

Every day a poem. Forms
on my desk
                  IMPORTANT INFORMATION!
have to renew my "benefits" Money poisons -- the seeds I plant bear
        Paper and paint. Unless -Converted- (is Capitalism a Religion? That I must 
convert to live?)
Fill out the forms!
Here's what I want to write on the back of every piece of art I make 
and refuse to sell:

                In the Parcel -- Be the Merchant
                Of the Heavenly Grace --
                But reduce no Human Spirit -
                To Disgrace of Price --

Goby’s Journal: 9/28/15 (1)


September 28,2015
Post Pope
Healing foot & rib
10:15: AM showered dressed & pleasured

No need for decoration
        the poem

Consult your history
     if you know our place
     you know our time
City preparing for the worst
the wars the end & the beginning
Convention (coming)-- wisdom (which)
is nothing of the kind
    be kind
          be kind
               be kind

Goby’s Journal

Goby’s Journal
I woke this morning with a thought that this would be a good day to visit the art museum. But my foot is still not ready, and …. the Pope.

Wondering though the rooms and corridors of a museum, one bathes in the illusion that all this matters. That art is important and valued in the world. The museum is there to make you feel that.

It’s not true, you have to remind yourself. It feels so good to believe it… but it’s not true.

Giordano Bruno: The Lucretian Revival and Epicurean Materialism

The Dark Fantastic: Literature, Philosophy, and Digital Arts


Slowly but surely gathering pieces of a puzzle together stretching from the early rise of scientific culture and the different threads of an energetic materialism that would inform such later thinkers as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud, Bataille, Deleuze, Land and others. More and more the Renaissance revival of learning and translation of ancient Greek and Roman texts would form the basis of what we would come to know as Modernity. This is all fairly well scoped out through many histories, science studies, biographies, philosophical studies of the various eras. Yet, it does seem that certain individuals became catalysts within this emergence of science. Giordano Bruno beyond Copernicus and the other usual suspects seems a part of this inner thread of influence.

Stephen Greenblatt in his study of the emergence of Lucretius into scientific culture would attest to Bruno’s importance, saying:

One answer in the sixteenth century was a diminutive Dominican monk…

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Personal goodness will not change the world

A hard lesson: What is a good man in a corrupt institution, that has created great harm over the centuries… and continues to create suffering and harm? Or a good man who becomes president of a country that has staked out the claims of an empire, and cannot, for all their goodness, change the nature of that state?
The goodness of the person has no bearing on the reality of the institution they represent. I don’t doubt the goodness of Pope Frances… or President Obama. But pointing out their essential goodness as persons should tell us something about the irrelevance of personal goodness–once that person has committed to being an instrument of the destructive institution.
Better save, and dedicate our “goodness” as outsiders, outriders, gadflies and provocateurs bent on replacing those structures… and willing, yes…even that… willing to sacrifice personal “goodness” when it does nothing more than serve the powers we need to destroy.