Capitalism is Life!

Everyone knows that if I were a ‘real’ artist, and my art had any real value. enough people would pay me for it that I wouldn’t be worried sick about having a place to live with studio space, I would know that I could keep making art and not be worried I’d have to put all my art on the street for the trash pick-up. Obviously, I’m not a real artist and what I do is next to worthless–having next to no monetary value, and my situation is my own fault, and whatever the landlord or anyone else should to to me, I would deserve.

This is the basic moral code of capitalism, which makes life better for many, and I have no right to complain if it doesn’t help me–because like anyone who capitalism doesn’t help–it’s our own fault.
I am so sorry I thought I could be an artist. I was obviously mistaken and should have figured this out sooner.
Capitalism is Life!
Long live Capitalism and our wealthy masters, and their not-so-wealthy Quislings,, Sycophants and Enforcers. If it kills me, I will only have myself to blame.

–This was not written by any version of AI–