Artists are not BRANDS!


Bend over, artists, bare your butts and smile to the sizzle of the Branding Iron!

This is everything that’s wrong with the “Art World.” This abominable piece… empty of irony or insight.
” To start, it is all about thinking differently. You are not just an artist. You are an artistic entrepreneur and your art is your big business. As CEO, it’s time to take a note or two from the owner’s playbook of art business and marketing on developing your brand identity.”

The other thing I object to in that ad/fomercial, is the message that if you follow those tips, you too, can become a ‘successful’ artist-CEO; that is precisely analogous to advising poor people, that if they work hard, follow the rules, and stop drinking coffee, they won’t be poor, when the reality is, that the system CREATES poverty, and prevents it’s elimination to insure a ready supply of low wage labor, just as the system PREVENTS all but a very few artists from becoming self-supporting, and then, at the cost of their creative freedom for most of those who do get that far. So the promise offered in that piece, is a lie–bait for those whose need to believe exceeds their desire to see through the sham.

“Thinking differently” is NewSpeak, for, Stop thinking, and submit to the Capitalist cult!

Your Art, Your Brand